Main conference partners - Visual Connection s.r.o. and ICZ a.s.
Together with ABEX Czech - Associated Broadcast Experts Czech Republic Cordially invite you to a conference ABEX 2002 - Radio and Television Technology ABEX 2002 - Rozhlasové a televizní technologie
Conference subject: Synoptic information on current state, innovation and development forecast of radio and television technologies. The conference consists of a professional seminar and an exhibition. Lectures and presentations will be given by leading experts from the industry.
Venue: HILTON HOTEL, conference rooms Palmovka, Rokoska, Hercovka a Tyrolka Czech Republic, Prague 8, Pobřežní 1 Datum: 21 and 22 October 2002, Monday and Tuesday Programme (to be updated):
Monday 21 October 2002
09:45 - 18:00 A) Exhibition of radio and television technology (Rokoska and Palmovka) B) Lectures and presentations on professional audio and radio (Tyrolka) Modern sound production Radio automation and newsroom Regional contribution and distribution to transmitters, modulation processing Transmitters Digital Radio Broadcasting Discussion
Tuesday 22 October 2002
09:00 - 18:00 A) Exhibition of radio and television technology (Rokoska and Palmovka) B) Lectures and presentations on video production and television (Tyrolka) Digital television broadcasting Modern video production Television automation and newsroom Regional contribution and distribution to transmitters Discussion
Master of Ceremonies: Martin Junek, ABEX Czech Lecturers: Top experts from electronic media industry Seminar languages: Czech, Slovak, translation from English to Czech
Main conference partners:
Main Partner
Visual Connection, s.r.o. Kozacka 16, 101 00 Praha 10 Czech Republic Tel. +420 2 71742111 Fax: +420 2 71742112 info@visual.cz http://www.visual.cz
ABEX Czech s.r.o. Letni 1536, 253 01 Hostivice Czech Republic Tel. +420 2 20982535 Fax: +420 2 20982537 info@abex.cz http://www.abex.cz
Main Partner
ICZ a.s. Olsinach 75, 10097 Praha 10 Czech Republic Tel. +420 2 81002222 Fax: +420 2 81002244 info@i.cz http://www.i.cz
Parallel worldwide conference 20.-22.10.2002 HILTON Hotel Prague:
ABEX Czech s.r.o. Telefon: +420 2 20982535 Fax: +420 2 20982537 E-mail: info@abex.cz
ABEX Czech s.r.o. Letni 1536 253 01 Hostivice, Praha-západ Czech Republic