ABEX 2012

Czech Republic

24- 26 May 2012

ABEX Society presents
ABEX 2012 - Morava Montreux 2012

Traditional Television Production Days

ABEX 2012 - Morava Montreux 2012 is a unique national conference and seminar for electronic media production and engineering people.
Main conference subject is recent domestic and worldwide development of electronic media and television. Conference speakers are top industry professionals. Discussions and experience exchange take place after each lecture.
ABEX 2012 is an extremely important event for television professionals. It has an unprecedented educational impact and implies expertise development for all participants. Attending the conference has a direct positive influence on delegate's company results and leads to optimum investment solutions.

TENTATIVE PROGRAMME ABEX 2012 - Morava Montreux 2012

:         The theme is common for most speakers (if not specified):
                      News from NAB 2012, new solutions, new visions
                      There will be brief inputs by representatives of broadcast
                      stations, who will inform about their operation news

          MIKULOV, Hotel GALANT, Mlynska 2, CABERNET hall
Dress code:  Smart Casual
When:           Friday 25 May 2012
                     Arrival 24 May, departure 26 May 2012
Organizer:    ABEX Society
Language:    Czech, Slovak, or English (smart translation into Czech)
(Czech presentations are not translated back to English this time)
24 May 2012  14:00 - 22:00  Arrival of delegates, individual programme, or
             informal reunion in ... restaurant,
             (after 18:00h; this is not a part of the conference package)

25 May 2012  08:00 - 09:00  Breakfast (at the place of
      09:00 - 09:15 
Mr. Martin Junek  -   Conference Opening
      09:15 - 09:30  Jakub Kabourek, VISUAL UNITY
      09:30 - 10:00  Robert Sasvari, Michal Popela, TRACO SYSTEMS,
      10:00 - 10:15  Josef Vasica, PROVYS
      10:15 - 10:30  Stefan Feichtegger, RIEDEL Communications
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
      11:00 - 11:15  Petr Vitek, CZECH TV
      11:15 - 11:35  Luka Topic, EMC ISILON & George Stan, DIGI TV
                             ISILON as a Central Storage System for DIGI TV Romania
      11:35 - 11:55  Pavel Potuzak, AVECO - Studio Automation,
                             Disaster Recovery, Regional Advertisement Insertion
      11:55 - 12:05  Martin Simunek - TM Direct - TEKTRONIX
      12:10 - 14:00  LUNCH
      14:00 - 14:20  Dusan Liska, Developments in digital broadcasting
      14:20 - 14:35  Petr Krkavec, DISK Systems
      14:35 - 14:50  Vaclav Udatny, TV NOVA
                             Thoughts and a discussion - DIGITAL DIVIDEND
      14:50 - 15:00  Michal Krsek, CESNET
                             Infrastructure Prague Media.net
15:00 - 15:30  Coffee Break
      15:30 - 15:45  Jaromir Janecek and Lukas Kobl, TV NOVA
      15:45 - 16:00  Felix Nevrela, FELIX International
                             NAB 2012 Observations
      16:00 - 16:15  Petr Stokuc, OCTOPUS Newsroom
16:15 - 17:00  Discussion, end of the formal conference part
      17:00 - 18.45  Regeneration at the hotel
      19:00 - 02:00  Social event in the cellar of Eliska Hotel, Mikulov
      19:00 - 21:00  Buffet dinner
      20:00 - 21:00  Volarik wine tasting, professional presentation, by groups
      20:00 - 24:00  Live local cymbalom music
26 May 2012 
      02:00 - 08:00  Individual continuation of the social event
      08:00 - 11:00  Departure (11:00 usual required local check-out)
Host:        Martin Junek, ABEX Society
More information (registration fee, accommodation, etc.):  Contact us at the following e-mail address: society@abex.cz

Staňte se členy, Enter:


ABEX Society
J. S. Baara 723
252 62  Horomerice
Czech Republic

ABEX Society
Tel.: +420 605 296 777
Fax: +420 220 970 562
E-mail: society@abex.cz

ABEX Czech je členem
The National Association
of Broadcasters